Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2018 Scottish Waterfront 5k Race Wellington Tue 13 Feb


Photos Below

A large pod of dolphins in the inner harbour was a welcome distraction to the normal waterfront bustle which seems to be ever more crowded. Such a rare sight.

High humidity and blustery conditions are not conducive to fast times although those Newlands College students  who lined up for their annual fitness test were probably not too concerned as they all got PB’s anyway.

In the men’s grade Levente Timar took line honours fresh from his Lower Hutt Park Run win last Saturday. His time of 16.23 is not his best for this event (he did 15.44 six years ago) but he looked comfortable heading toward the finish.

But Timar appears to be a hidden talent and without a club as well?  I am surprised the local recruiters have missed him.

Like many others Timar will be running the Cigna Round the Bays 10kon Sunday and I might just keep an eye on his time

Second home was newcomer Paul Shoemark in 17.38 heading off a fast finishing Will Critchlow who was also credited with 17.38.  But from where I was watching this was not a dead heat so I think Daryl’s Five Eyes system might have got Will’s time wrong.

And yes Will I did hear what you said when you crossed the finish line and no I did not get it on video.    

In the women’s race Kate Slater running for Scottish scored a big PB in 20.17. Her previous best time for this event was 21.10 so you can see the huge improvement even allowing for the windy day. Can Kate get below the magic 20 minutes before the season ends?

The 2nd woman finisher was Chistina Totina who clocked 20.53. Her best time is 20.34 recorded in November 2017 and on that occasion she was also 2nd.

Third but not least was Caroline Mellsop who ran 21.11. She ran this event for the first time back in 2016 and mostly finishes in the top 10 for the grade. There has to be a PB in those legs waiting to get out.

A lot of today’s competitors will be doing one of the Round the Bays races this Sunday.  Good luck for that and if conditions look like they good be hot and sticky (even early in the morning) don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids early in the race even if you don‘t think you need it. 

This applies especially to those doing the 10k and half-marathon options     

In the meantime Daryl will continue to fiddle with Five Eyes and Will can lie in the bath knowing that he has trashed Brendon in the Critchlow/Thompson challenge, at least for now