Saturday, October 20, 2018

2018 Baudinet Cup and Bernie Portenski Memorial Trophy Titahi Bay Sat 20 Oct


"Titahi Bay handicap race combining the Baudinet Cup and Ladies Open Handicap Cup

Rob McCrudden of Olympic won the Bernie Portenski Memorial Trophy this year, narrowly edging out Denise Pilcher by nine seconds. 

Danielle Stevens was the first Scottish runner home, just sneaking past Stu Beresford in the last stages of the race. Danielle takes the Ladies Open Handicap Cup and Stu the Baudinet Cup.

99 runners took part and about 8 walkers also joined us starting half an hour before the runners. 

Niam Macdonald was the fastest male on the day completing the course in 33 minutes and Deborah Lynch was the fastest female in a very impressive 37.33."
Source: Scottish Harrier Website

The turnout number for this event was reasonable considering that it was a long weekend with many likely to be away. 

However in anticipation of large numbers James Turner had pages and pages of handicaps and it looked to me as if there was a start time for just about everybody in the Wellington centre, just in case they turned up. 

The finisher who came closest to running their estimated time was Adrian Jurke (Olympic) who was only 5 seconds out. Est Time 42.30 versus Actual Time of 42.35.

My only disappointment was that at the bun fight and prize-giving there were none of Sharon Wray's delicious "special" apricot truffles, not that I could see anyway.   

Some Beach "Snaps: Below