Wednesday, December 19, 2018

2018 Scottish Waterfront 5k Race Wellington Tue 18 Dec

Iain Shaw ready to pace those aiming to do 21 minutes


The last race before Christmas and it was windy but warm.  So I don’t expect there will be many season PB’s. 

There were about 130 starters which I suppose is okay for this time of the year when priorities can be tested. 

But of course the prospect of what Daryl might wear on his head for this Xmas race might have put some people off, and honestly I can see that.  

Amanda Broughton headed home the rest of the women in a time of 19.12. Not a smart time for her but you know that wind was unforgiving.

Behind her in 2nd place was Marseille Bowie who ran 19.46 which is a few seconds slower than her win last week when she ran 19.38. 

Only metres back in third place was the familiar face of Sarah Riceman from Olympic Harriers who ran 19.51.

In the men’s race Dan Jones cleaned up once again mainly because there aren’t many runners in Wellington who can beat him. I can count them on 2 fingers. 

His time of 16.07 is short of his best for this course but he does his best to slow himself down by doing these tiring long off-road races like the Kepler which seem to be his specialty. 

Behind him was the Scottish Harrier pair of Paul Barwick and Alasdair Saunders who ran 16.58 and 17.31 respectively.

Other Stuff

Returning after a minor injury (?) to his pacer job on the waterfront was Niam Macdonald the running wonderkid.

What I heard was that Niam was attacked by a dog and a woman with an umbrella but he tells me it was nothing like that. He only fell over the dog which as somebody who has run into a pole and other objects I can sympathise with.

An less than happy woman complained to Daryl that she had no room to ride her yellow Onzo bike around Oriental parade because the 5km runners were spread all over the footpath.

I can just imagine that scene.

No doubt Daryl will be a good citizen and mention in his future briefings about sharing the shared space that is Wellington’s waterfront.

PS have you notice that most Onzo bikes now no longer come with helmets mainly because they have all been stolen. 

What on earth is Daryl wearing on his head?