Saturday, July 8, 2023

2023 Scottish Club Novice Cup, Galashiels Trophy & Cole Land Cup Eastbourne Sat 23 Jun


Sam Miller and Jamie Vessiot with the silverware

Galashiels and Novice Results 

Cole Land Walking Results (to come)


The results show 23 finishers plus Dan Jones, who having returned from some hard racing overseas, was intent on taking it easy. This means he clocked up the fastest time.

In terms of participation, it was not a great turnout. This is a shame because this and other club races deserve to be supported by members.

The race itself was roughly the same as the one we raced over all those decades ago, except that the track up through the bush is metalled and on the way back we had to cross the main road and navigate the sandy beach. On a good day, the tide would be out but the scooting under the wharf was never easy for tall people.

Today Melissa Moon and Dave Hadfield completed the course, and it is worth pointing out that both of these long-time members hold the fastest times for Women and Men respectively. 

The winners of today’s race who received the Galashiels Trophy and Novice Cup were Sam Miller and Jamie Vessiot. This does mean that the handicapper will never allow them to win any future handicap races – ever.

In the walking race, Helen Willis won the Cole Land Cup.

Visitors today included Jeff Whitaker and Simon Reynolds   

One other thing I noticed was how easy Michael Wray was running on the flat when he headed back to the finish.  No limpy limpy  and no favouring of the leg.