Monday, April 16, 2018

2018 McVilly Shield Relay Sinclair Park Houghton Bay Sat 14 Apr

I am not sure if the McVilly has always been a relay but if it wasn't then it is now. The race starts at Sinclair Park which is close to the top of Houghton Bay Road. 

The course takes runners though part of the Southern Walkway eventually dropping down to the Houghton Bay playground.  

Coming back for the return journey on the wide track east of the walkway is hard yacker.  One can be forgiven for being mildly out-of-breath when getting back to the top level with Sinclair Park and the run to the finish. The photos below show this.

Teams of 4 are put together, mixed up so they are roughly even. The circuit is apparently around 3,2 kms and the race is comprised of three full laps. With a team of 4 the first two runners only do half of the circuit each with a changeover down near the playground 

The kids did the first half lap and adults do the uphill return trip. The other 2 members of the team do a complete circuit and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The turnout was modest but then there may be good reasons why the numbers were not higher.    


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rowan. Regards turnout, I think we were down about 15-20 people from last year - we also had quite a few running the Great Forest Marathon/Half/10km in Levin and at least half a dozen at the club workout at Karori Park in the morning.
