Monday, November 26, 2018

2018 Pelorus Trust Marathon, Half-Marathon, 10km, 5km & Kids Race Petone Sun 25 Nov


“Mr President” (that’s Ken Howell to you) told me overall entry numbers were down this year compared to last year. He cited other competing events as a possible reason for the drop although it is hard to say if this is true or whether the event is simply going through a flat period.   

The course this year was modified to remove bits of road clearly a safety move but one which also reduces the manpower requirements for marshalling. I think the chances of the leaders in the 10km race going the wrong way like they did last year are likely to be nil.

The event date was also changed from September to November although it is not clear why this is. Ken did mention the chance of better weather as a factor and give the nice day I doubt that anybody would be objecting.

At least nobody could complain about the lack of entry options for what distance to cover as there is something for everyone, including the kids.    

From a performance perspective the course is not going to produce super-fast times given it is mostly off road but relatively scenic and interesting.

First home in the marathon was Matapuku Robati who completed the trip in 2.58.30 which is quite creditable given the nature of the course and the fact he probably mostly ran it solo. 

The second man was Nick Mead who did 3.15.12. 

The first female was Relda Mathews who at 51 years of age did 3.50.35. 

In second place behind Relda was Rebecca Kendall who ran across Daryl’s five-eyes system in 4.11.13  

Coming around the grassy bend to finish the 10km, a minute or two after the first marathoner, was the wonderkid “hissel”, Niam Macdonald who did 34.36.0 with Jack Hammond back a few seconds in 34.52.0.  

I bet those two ran together for a good chunk of the way. 

The first female in the 10 was Leanne Walker who did 49.01.0 with Amanda Jackson 2nd in 49.59.0 just sneaking under 50 minutes.

Mel Aitken, who seems to be racing everywhere, was the first woman home in the half-marathon knocking the distance out in 1.25.21.  This is a fine effort from Mel after competing in Queenstown last weekend. They make em tough in the south.

The second lady home in the half was Ingrid Cree who ran 1.37.01. Pity about that 1 second Ingrid

In the men’s grade and seemingly with a mortgage on this race was Hiro Tanimoto who sped around the course in 1.12.03 just a few seconds shy of 1.11. 

Back within long-range spitting distance was the fastest distance runner in Wellington, Nick Horspool who finished in 1.12.37.

In the 5km the fastest runner was 14 year old Saskia Knox who beat all the boys to finish strongly in 19.53. Way to go Saskia!

The second female was Erana Brand who did 24.24.6.  

The second finisher overall in this race and the first bloke across the line was Adam Ross clocked 20.27.0. 

The second male after Adam was George Curtis who at 16 ran 24.95.

And finally there was the kid’s race which featured lots of painted faces and Melissa Moon as the “cat in a hat”.


Daryl Bloomfield did the finish line electronic time keeping 

Rees Buck had the microphone and is a natural with the commentary and banter 

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