Tuesday, February 2, 2021

2021 Scottish Waterfront 5k Race Wellington Tue 2 Feb (Tutu Edition)


This is just part of the 2021 tutu team


This is the tutu edition a new feature for this event and one which I am sure will be repeated in future years. But you do need good weather and that was provided in spadefuls today. Feb weather is when summer starts and also coincidently so does school. Too bad kids but thems the breaks. 

Spike about to outsprint mum again. Need I say more?

I will post results as soon as Daryl has finalised but it looked to me as if the first 3 runners home were Seamus Kane, making his debut, Nick Horspool  (15.29) and Captain Ben Twyman (15.12). Mr Kane's time of 15.17 means he was flying and it would surely have to be the fastest time on this course for the 2020.2021 season (Thomas Strawbridge ran 15.18 in October 2020). In fact, on an all-time basis, who has run quicker - maybe Hamish Carson and certainly Nick H?

Mal Stevens looked pretty strong when she cleaned up in the women's race and knocking out a time of 18.30 which is a massive PB of about 1.20. Goodness me. Her performance today in good conditions augers well for later 2021 racing.  There was a big gap back to 2nd place which was claimed by Bridget Kiddle in 19.43, with Nina Maurer coming in 3rd in 20.25. 

The tutu models followed in all their glorious fabulosity but at their leisure of course. I'm not sure if prizes were on offer for the best sartorially elegant tutu entrants, but if not this time then perhaps next time. All photos posted. 

Richard Skinner, my nomination for best-dressed male

Kristina Cameron, My nomination for best-dressed female

The chief tutu guru


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